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HomeHow Members Log In

How To Log In For Members


Logging into the League webites (state and local) gives Members access to information on member-only events, documents, photos, and tools. Here's how.

Step 1: Go to our website: (if you are reading this online, you are already here!)


Step 2: To log in, click on in the red button in the top right corner of the page that says Member Login.


Step 3: Type in your username in the box provided. If you don't know it, go to "Recovering login information" below.


Step 4: Type in your password. If you don't now it, go to "Recovering login information" below.


Recovering login information: If you don't know your username or password (both or either), click on the blue button with "Forgot Username/Password" below those boxes. When the window pops up, put in your first name and email address and that information will be sent to you. You might have to try more than one first name if you have a nickname and don't remember which one you used when signing up for the League.)


If you have trouble with the above or with the pages that come after Step 4, you can check out the help page from ClubExpress (the website host):ClubExpress Help Page 

Still having trouble? please email and we will find a time to help you through the process.


ENJOY YOUR MEMBER CONTENT (especially on the Member Resources page)!